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Get Repersonified with Akshay Taleda

Akshay Taleda

The way we view the world is related to our perception of things. Get Repersonifed is a podcast designed for you to shift your perceptions about everything around you- all while making it simple to learn. In this podcast, we'll work on enhancing your Emotionally intelligence, confidence, and help you become more insightful. Think about it. Our personality is defined by our Interior and Exterior. Our personality is defined by our actions. Our actions are determined by our thoughts. Our thoughts are defined by the way we view the world. In a nutshell, “Our perception towards things is directly related to our personality.” Most times, we find self-development complicated. We feel it’s a deep ancient philosophy that we need to understand and grasp and start acting like a monk. Fortunately for us, that’s not how it is. Life is simple. With this podcast, understanding life can be simple and profound too! Sounds too good to be true? — Why don’t you find out for yourself?