The Emotional Inheritance of Parenting Artwork

The Emotional Inheritance of Parenting

Do you feel drained, stressed, and exhausted from the daily family dynamics and guilty at the end of the day for how you reacted with your children? You're not alone. If you want to transform your family dynamics from chaotic and emotionally draining to mindful, mutually respectful, empathic, and enjoyable, you can! Hi, I’m Karemi. I’m a Certified Conscious Parenting Coach and a mother. My work is dedicated to helping you – the parent – raise children with love, mindfulness, and emotional presence. In this podcast, we’ll focus on how you can connect to yourself and your children, and on the skills, knowledge, and tools you can incorporate into your life to foster your children’s mental and emotional health. You’ll learn how you can show up for your children as the parent they need, the parent that will give them the gift of knowing their self-worth, of self-understanding, respect for themselves and the world they live in, resilience, among many other inner resources they’ll need to tap into as they face the world day in and day out. Are you ready to create connection with your children and to set the mental and emotional foundation for them to thrive? Join me every other Tuesday, and you'll learn how!
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