Different Ways
This podcast supports and explores ideas and issues touched upon in the memoir, "Different Ways; Revealing the Feminine" by Cile.
344 episodes
Djehuty Speaks 26- Goddess Past Present and Future 14 - Sexual Healing, Conscious Communion
Djehuty outlines ways in which we can begin to retrieve our power from shame, fear and distrust. Intention and conscious awareness is required to build the ability to access and connect deeply with ourselves and those we are intimate with.
Season 4
Episode 26
Djehuty Speaks 25 - Goddess Past Present and Future 13 - Those Who Offer and Those Who Accept
Djehuty talks here about energetic communication and consent. Victim consciousness is discussed and how it blinds and binds. Thank you for listening.“Djehuty Speaks” is a book of materials channeled by Tom Jacobs and these are ...
Season 4
Episode 25
Djehuty Speaks 24 - Goddess Past Present and Future 12 - Sexual Violence
In this rich teaching we are informed about the primary manifestation of imbalance of the male and the female energies in human beings. Sexual Violence. Our conceptual framework of what sexual violence is requires a kind of courage to widen our...
Season 4
Episode 12
Djehuty Speaks 23 - Goddess Past Present and Future 11 - Pornography
Djehuty states, "There will always be pornography". Thank you for listening.“Djehuty Speaks” is a book of materials channeled by Tom Jacobs and these are teachings from the Ascended Master known as Djehuty, Thoth, St. Germai...
Djehuty Speaks 22 - Goddess Past Present and Future 10 - The Goddess Demonized
Nature is not out to get us yet we still approach all things natural in our lives as some kind of assault. In this episode, how we frame in our minds the perspective of the feminine in our world is examined. Th...
Season 4
Episode 22
Djehuty Speaks 21 - Goddess Past Present and Future 09 - Sex
This episode discusses the reasons and the need to recognize what is heinous and what is great in our patriarchal history and reveals the deep investment in keeping the female suppressed. Thank you for listening.“Djehuty Speaks...
Season 4
Episode 21
Djehuty Speaks 20 - Goddess Past Present and Future 08 - Self care
“Djehuty Speaks” is a book of materials channeled by Tom Jacobs and these are teachings from the Ascended Master known as Djehuty, Thoth, St. Germain or Merlin. These teachings are included as four smaller books: Approachin...
Season 4
Episode 20
Djehuty Speaks 19 - Goddess Past Present and Future 07 - Food
Our brilliant minds will trend us to death if we allow it. Learning the difference between the language of the body and that of the mind as it pertains to food and all consumption is discussed in this excerpt.“Djehuty Speak...
Season 4
Episode 19
Djehuty Speaks 18 - Goddess Past Present and Future 06 - The Human Body
Our miraculous bodies. The longest relationship of our lives is with our custom made meatsuit. All of our lives we have been navigating it with a tenuous balance between our animal natures and our brilliant minds. Every experience and minute th...
Season 4
Episode 18
Djehuty Speaks 17 - Goddess Past Present and Future 05 -The Earth
“Djehuty Speaks” is a book of materials channeled by Tom Jacobs and these are teachings from the Ascended Master known as Djehuty, Thoth, St. Germain or Merlin. These teachings are included as four smaller books: Approachin...
Djehuty Speaks 16 - Goddess Past Present and Future 04 - The Goddess
Everyone embodies the Goddess and we all experience this part of ourselves in different ways. For some populations, recognizing a world view of feminine connection is a natural alignment but for most of us, it is an exotic visit to a foreign co...
Season 4
Episode 16
Djehuty Speaks 15 - Goddess Past Present and Future 03 - Imbalance, The Purpose of Imbalance
Why the imbalance between male and female? In this rich teaching, Djehuty touches upon many of the confusions that we maintain around empowerment - who has it and why. They explain the purpose of our learning how our lessons over the evolution ...
Season 4
Episode 15
Djehuty Speaks 14 - Goddess Past Present and Future 02 - Opening, Creation
Our role as the divine is introduced here in more depth. This excerpt explores how "... to heal this relationship with the feminine that you have developed, to fix this mess and to learn to love yourselves and others through the lens of the...
Season 4
Episode 14
Djehuty Speaks 13a - Goddess Past Present and Future 01 Acknowledgements
“Djehuty Speaks” is a book of materials channeled by Tom Jacobs and these are teachings from the Ascended Master known as Djehuty, Thoth, St. Germain or Merlin. These teachings are included as four smaller books: Approac...
Season 4
Episode 13
Djehuty Speaks 13 - Goddess Past Present and Future 01 Introduction
“Djehuty Speaks” is a book of materials channeled by Tom Jacobs and these are teachings from the Ascended Master known as Djehuty, Thoth, St. Germain or Merlin. These teachings are included as four smaller books: Approaching Lo...
Djehuty Speaks 12 - Understanding Loss & Death 04 - Types of Loss and Death
The profound and emotional energetic effect of loss to a human being is more varied than most people realize. Djehuty covers some losses that may be new to people. Fragmentation happens when a part of someone's consciousness leaves and it is di...
Season 4
Episode 12
Djehuty Speaks 11 - Understanding Loss & Death 03 - Death
Djehuty dives deeply into the sources of our standard beliefs about death and reveals how these ideas are sourced and why. Our concept of death delineates how we proceed in living and sets a tone, a space, and a concept of what life shoul...
Djehuty Speaks 10 - Understanding Loss and Death 02 - Loss
In this 90 minute teaching, Djehuty covers the many nuances of how we have utilized loss to define our lives. There is information here about the why and the how of our behavior around loss and how our experiences of our losses drive how we are...
Season 4
Episode 3
Djehuty Speaks 09 - Understanding Loss & Death 01 - Introduction
In this thirteen-minute excerpt, Tom Jacobs describes his channeling experience with the Ascended Master Djehuty. We are introduced to the sensitive issue of death and loss and asked to examine objectively and with tenderness our existing parad...
Season 4
Episode 9
Djehuty Speaks 08 - Approaching Love 08 - Your Relationship With Animals
"...You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves...." ~Mary Oliver, Wild GeeseWe love our animals and the scope of our love is easil...
Season 4
Episode 8
Djehuty Speaks 07 - Approaching Love 07 - Children
In this post, Djehuty speaks about how altering how we see ourselves influences how we see our children. As people envisioning with a deeply wounded lens cultivated by years of myopic focus, we have only been able to see our children through th...
Season 4
Episode 7
Djehuty Speaks 06 - Approaching Love - 06 - Sexual Intimacy
Humans are sexual beings and there is no amount of what we do and think and say that is not in some way influenced by our sexual orientation whether it is culturally or individually curated. Djehuty dissects some of this mystery by explaining s...
Djehuty Speaks 05 - Approaching Love 05 - Approaching Love
Djehuty Speaks, Episode 5, Approaching Love: Approaching Love. Djehity asks us, “Who does your lover allow you to be?” Examining and untangling our intentions in how we bond and bind ourselves to each other is explored here. Thank you for liste...
Djehuty Speaks 04 - Approaching Love - 04 - Marriage
Djehuty Speaks, Episode 4, Approaching Love: Marriage. I, personally, call this one, “So many sacred cows; so little time”. Djehuty shares some history and some tips on navigating partnering in marriage as these relationships weather the evolut...
Season 4
Episode 4
Djehuty Speaks 03 - Approaching Love - 03 - Relationships and Karma
“Djehuty Speaks” is a book of materials channeled by Tom Jacobs and these are teachings from the Ascended Master known as Djehuty, Thoth, St. Germain or Merlin. These teachings are included as four smaller books: Approaching Love -...