The emPowered Author: A Marketing Podcast for Nonfiction Authors

10.7 Creating Visibility Requires a Plan and a Commitment to Stick to It

Stephanie Feger

To sell books requires people to know about them. To ensure the right people know about them, you need to know who your target audience is and where they go for trusted info. Then, you need a plan to be seen as a trusted source so you can be visible there. It sounds simple and it can be as long as you don’t give up on doing it. It needs a plan and it needs commitment to the plan. That’s where the fireworks happen.

For many authors, this is either the exciting part of book marketing or the terrifying part. If it excites you, fantastic! If it terrifies you, you aren’t alone. Remember that it’s selfish if you don’t share, but when you do make sure it’s about them, not you. The best visibility is the type that is meant to help someone in the process.

Don’t write a book in silence. Don’t launch a book and never talk about it. Don’t create a business and let worry hold you back from telling anyone that you can support their needs. Instead, be the author who is proud that you are writing something that the world will soon fall in love with. Be the author who let’s people in on your journey and invites them to help you. Be the author who wants to help people by making their lives a bit easier with your business. That’s the author who is making an emPact. And, author friend, that’s you.

On this episode of The emPowered Author Podcast, I share the three key elements you need to create a visibility plan and make it happen. If we could help you plan your visibility efforts, let's chat. Visit our website to schedule a time for us to connect and let's get you set up to succeed this year and beyond!

Marketing should emPower you, not be the bane of your existence. (I see you, author... and I know that you likely despise the word and all that comes with it!) You’ve found your one-stop-shop for marketing insights from an author who has been there, done that, and knows exactly what you need. The emPowered Author Podcast is the deep-dive, share all the good stuff marketing podcast for nonfiction authors who know the power of marketing and want innovative, out-of-the box strategies and tactics that are realistic, attainable and impactful. It's hosted by me, Stephanie Feger, who happens to be the author of several books and the owner and chief strategist of the emPower PR Group, a boutique marketing solution for nonfiction authors. If you'd like to explore how we could help you, take advantage of our 15-minute chit-chats for some focused marketing insights and learn more about our offerings.

Also, follow the emPower PR Group on social: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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