At Five In the Afternoon

Taco'Bouta Party!

• J. Andrews, K.M. Douglas and guests • Season 3 • Episode 16

If you like to watch kids get hit by 60mph fastballs, check out the Little League World Series! Kids, you might not grow up to be a professional baseball player, but that's no reason not to follow your dream! 😎 Join us as we revisit one of the greatest baseball fights of all time! Eat your heart out, Howard Cosell! The lawnmowers are taking over! Oh, wait, no - the robots! And meanwhile ignorant humans are fighting themselves. DJ Colorado is disappointed with our poetry this week. Guess what the police department here in New Orleans have... Somehow J is convinced of a conspiracy theory that K.M. calls out as complete BS. And K.M. doesn't think the moon landing happened! 🙄 I guess we'll talk about cheerleading next week. Instead we'll mock sovereign citizens getting tased and arrested by rural cops. "What's the matter? Don't you like it?"

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