At Five In the Afternoon

Crack Sandwich

J. Andrews, K.M. Douglas and guests Season 3 Episode 21

It's actually exactly 5 o'clock!!! Tune in next week for what we promised you last week. To make it up to you, K.M. gives you the easiest bar bet to win. Michael Jackson is the Jesus of basketball. I don't know why we're talking about Cosby. Yes, it gets worse... Not sure, but J maybe messed with Texas. We are caught between time, which is our excuse for why we suck. And no, we do not endorse heroin, unless you're over 70. We have a new pen pal! And it's not Will Smith. The floor is J's. Are you willing you to look yourself in the eye and be honest? Are you scared of pooping? There is no escaping regrets... When the world dies, it dies. Be people and die scared.