Headquartered in Wichita, KS AgVantis is a unique and distinct technology solutions and business services organization, providing its solutions and services to both Farm Credit Banks and Member-Owned Associations. We help navigate the complex Farm Credit regulatory environment with solutions and services that are designed by and for Farm Credit Entities to meet their unique business needs.
Podcasting since 2021 • 10 episodes
Latest Episodes
Technical side of our 2.0 Transformation
In this episode I talk to Adam Poell and Isaiah Mann as we continue our story on our 2.0 transformation and discusses department collaboration, moving to the cloud and security.
Season 3
Episode 4
AgVantis 2.0 Transformation Progress
My guest is Ryan McBride our Chief Transformation Officer and he discusses the progress in to the AgVantis 2.0 transformation.
Season 3
Episode 3
How will our customers be impacted by our transformation?
In this episode I talk our Darlene Myers, our VP of Business and Strategy Development and how the impact on our customers.
Season 3
Episode 2