Managing Dental Drama

What is a good treatment coordinator?

June 03, 2024 Consultant and Dentist Duo; Practice Problems Season 3 Episode 39

No matter the specialty, treatment acceptance is the lifeblood of every practice. In a good number of practices, an excellent treatment coordinator is behind exemplary treatment acceptance. So, what is a good treatment coordinator (TC)? What makes them unique and better than other TCs? In this episode, Dr. Kuba and Bethany discuss the core qualities that make great TCs. As a foundational quality, treatment coordinators have an insatiable desire to close cases, which leads them to obsess over every detail of the encounter. They seek to know and understand their patients while communicating with them in a way that is effective and achieves the desired result. An excellent treatment coordinator is always tracking potential trends and tweaking fine details to ensure that the acceptance rate improves. If a practice is missing a treatment coordinator, then the doctor usually assumes the role. Because treatment acceptance is such a valuable part of every practice, this episode cannot be missed!

Previous Episodes Worth Revisiting:
Bethany’s Top Ten Treatment Acceptance Tips
Should I Offer Financing or In-House Financing? 

🎉🎊REGISTRATION OPEN:🎈🎉 Bethany and Dr. Kuba are excited to officially open up registration for the two-day CONSULTING CRASH COURSE! This is a course designed ONLY for you and your team. Take your practice to the next level!! Email us at today to secure a spot for your team! ⏰

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