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Energy Futures

Energy is complicated. Populations are growing and the need for energy has never been greater. Simultaneously, climate change is now widely accepted as a clear and present danger to the world and there has been growth in the understanding that everyone has a role to play in stemming its effects. But, energy is complicated. The need for energy is so great that there is general agreement that multiple sources are required to meet demand. What those sources will be is the cause of constant debate. There are many different perspectives on what the future of energy entails. Those perspectives are influenced by where people sit geographically, what part of the energy equation they are involved with, or how they look at the funding requirements for energy. As a result, there are many conversations on what the future of energy will look like, and often they are talking past each other. As complicated as the future of energy is, there is common ground across all the pieces of the energy equation. Energy Futures aims to showcase common ground in the exploration of different aspects of how the energy landscape has evolved, and where it is heading next.

Energy Futures

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