Vibin' with Vic Meditations
Daily Guided Meditation to connect the mind and heart. For more information on live mediations and meditations series SIGN UP HERE► http://eepurl.com/h8aaFT 7AM EST LIVE: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86188517994?pwd=Z095V0crTkxYSWtWNFFpOHdRdUp0QT09
Vibin' with Vic Meditations
We are One
Victoria Albano
This mediation is meant to bring us deep within to connect with our inner peace and unconditional love which will then allow us to bring this forth to the world as we go about our lives. It is meant to connect us on a vibrational level and expand our hearts.
For more information on live mediations and meditations series SIGN UP HERE► http://eepurl.com/h8aaFT