Vibin' with Vic Meditations
Daily Guided Meditation to connect the mind and heart. For more information on live mediations and meditations series SIGN UP HERE► http://eepurl.com/h8aaFT 7AM EST LIVE: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86188517994?pwd=Z095V0crTkxYSWtWNFFpOHdRdUp0QT09
Podcasting since 2021 • 76 episodes
Vibin' with Vic Meditations
Latest Episodes
It has been proven over and over again that our minds have the power to heal. Allow this meditation to bring you deep within to connect your mind to your DNA and bring a healing light to balance and repair. Remember that this medita...

Walking/Moving Meditation
This meditation is meant to be played while walking. Movement meditation is to keep you present as your body moves and connects to the earth and its surroundings. More specifically, it is moving while being minutely aware of the mov...

Anxiety Release
This meditation is to be used as a tool when needed to help ease stress and anxiety. Give it a name, a color, feel it and then release it. For more information on live mediations and meditations series SIGN UP HERE► http://eepur...