
RefineMEnt - Midweek for Mom

Sheri Turner Season 1 Episode 3

Be proud to be a mom!  I want to encourage you this week and let you know you are doing a fabulous job with your family. No matter your stage in motherhood, you have something to offer other moms. Each day is a gift- no matter what! 
We must support each other and reach out to our empty nest mom, super moms and precious moms for advice and help. Together we can all grow a families with high values and moral standards. Love unconditionally as you guide your children daily. 
Take time this week to pause, assess and begin to REFINE - YOU. No matter your age, it is good to look inward and define who you are mom! You are the expert in the area of YOUR CHILD. I am here for you- You are loved!
Please visit my website for a complete list of my categories of a mom.