Velo Dulce
Velo Dulce
Hannele Steyn on BELIEF and being a LIONESS
Today, my superhuman guest is Hannele Steyn from Cape Town in sunny South Africa.
Hannele is the former Sport and Wellness Advisor of the Intercare group, runs her own whole foods company Passion4Wholeness, has represented South Africa and has Springbok colours in biathlon, triathlon, duathlon, road cycling AND mountain biking.
She’s completed the infamous TransAlps, Ironman. She is also 1 of 3 people in the world who have completed all 18 Cape Epic races and the only woman! (a race WHICH incidentally she won in 2005!)
In case you thought Hannele was just a beautiful face, well she has a BSc Microbiology Genetics, a Diploma in Nutrition, a Marketing AND a Diploma in Triathlon Coaching
Without further adieu, I present to you HANNELE, the lioness of the Cape Epic!
We spoke:
- Resilience
- Nutrition
- Finding your WHY
- What it means to have belief
And to live with NO REGRETS!
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Take good care of you!