Coffee or Wine & Everything's Fine
This podcast is designed to motivate, make you laugh, and maybe cry. The topics are all things life. I am Brittany, I am a wife, mother, business owner of The Teal Antler, and I do not have it all together, but who does have it all together? I am here to share with you my thoughts, opinions, outlook and much more. Some topics are serious while others are fun. Depending on the time of day we will discuss that good cup of coffee or that perfect glass a wine. So lets dive in...
10 episodes
Stop Doing It For The Likes, Weirdo
Social Media, it is so good at times and so bad at times. What is social media to you? In this episode I talk about my own experience with posting while bitter, posting for the likes, deleting posts and more. I am just here to...
Episode 10
Those Who Want To, WILL!
People who have the drive, desire, and will to do things and show up in life will. In this episode, I will talk about those you show up for, the ones that show up for you, and the ones that don't. It takes a while in life to learn t...
Episode 9
How To Overcome The Pressure of People's Assumptions
Every have some one assume (ASS-U-ME) something about you? Have you assumed something about someone or what they do? We all are guilty of it. In this episode I dive into what it's like to assume we know or to spread what we as...
Episode 8
Letting Go Of The Ones Who Won't Let Go Of Us
Do you have that person in your life that you are trying to let go of? Did you let go, and that person just can't let go of you? With social media and others it is difficult to not see what the other is doing. In this episode...
Episode 7
Why is Everyone So Mean?
Has the pandemic changed the way we interact with each other. Do you feel that some people are just generally mean. Why is it that everyone is so mean. In this episode let's talk about what is driving people to negativity. &nb...
Episode 6
Ya Can't Pour From An Empty Cup
What happens when you give, give, and do not take any time for yourself? In this episode I am going to talk about continuing to give when you have nothing left to give. Discuss the importance of taking time for yourself, both physic...
Episode 5
When the World Shuts Down OR Just Facebook & IG
Recorded today, just giving my thoughts and opinions on how we can and cannot survive without social media. My business may run on social media, but for some the break from social media is a welcome pleasure to reflect on the other things we ha...
Episode 4
Start Your Day With Gratitude
Find the little things in life that you are grateful for. Things may not always go our way, but I am here to tell you that no matter how bad of a day you have, there is always something you can be grateful for. In this episode, I just reflect o...
Episode 3