
18. Discover Real Self-Care Practices: Wow, No Thank You. by Samantha Irby

January 17, 2022 Celeste Johnson Season 1 Episode 18

What's your relationship with the phrase "self care?"  In this episode on the cuttingly funny collection Wow, No Thank You. by Samantha Irby, explore the idea of self care and what that means apart from the commercialized versions we see every day. Go inward to find simple, realistic self-care strategies that actually work for you, unlike the Instagram vitamins that Irby bought but never takes. Real self-care isn't what the glamorous lifestyle blogs show us it is; it's about what truly improves our quality of life, and the only way for us to know what care we need is by getting still and becoming mindful of ourselves. Try this meditation to do just that: scan through your body, mind, and spirit and hear what they are telling you.

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Thanks to Josue Mundt for his work on the theme music and sound design in this episode.

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