Finding Freedom with Inspire Wellness

Balance is Bullsh*t: Embracing New Seasons and Letting Go of Perfection

Jemma Haythorne Season 2 Episode 156

Is anyone else feeling like they’re absolutely slogging it out to make it to the end of the year? I can relate!

Many of us feel the pressure to ‘do it all’, and when we can’t balance all of our commitments perfectly, we feel like we’re failing - especially when we reach the busy season and our plates are extra full. That’s why I’m a huge believer in learning to embrace the season that you’re in (and hopefully notice that it’s coming before you get smacked over the head with a reminder from your body!).

In this episode, I’ll share:

  • The myth of balance and ‘doing it all’
  • How to work with your values throughout each season
  • The Mack truck moment that made me realise I need to slow down
  • My top 3 ways to support yourself during a transition to a slower season
  • Why emotional and nervous system regulation are key

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