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Revive Conscious


Hey there!!!Welcome to my podcast, Revive Conscious! Let’s learn how to embrace mental growth and mindfulness while we grow through life together. It won’t always be easy, after all, that’s not what life is about. It’s about putting in the work, consciously. Be warned! It will be a challenge. But I love a good challenge- it’s a great way to exercise our brain! It’s not always easy to achieve or to sustain. There will be times when you are filled with doubt and will want to give up. Cultivating awareness takes effort. Changing the habits of intention, conditioning and distraction we have developed over a lifetime is hard work.No one wants to walk through life like a zombie. It’s about being intentional and showing up everyday. Only, how do you decide to show up? It’s hard sometimes...for days, weeks, months even years...especially when we allow fear-based feelings to play such a huge role and take over our brain capacity. However, mindfulness is practiced by paying attention on purpose, non-judge mentally, and with a welcoming and allowing attitude. It means focusing in towards the present moment experience rather than away from it. Self-help skills and practices can also have a significant and positive impact on your quality of life as you cope with illness, however, this page is not a substitute for treatment. If you have a history of serve anxiety or trauma, you may need to use these mindful practices in partnership with good treatment. After all, I am no medical professional. I’m just a human being that has experienced mental battles through many walks of life. I’m here to tell you- you are NOT alone and you are NOT crazy. The struggle is real! This is a way of living not a fad. You got this. We got this. Now let’s conquer those loud negative voices in our head that’s on repeat- we will learn how to love and embrace the darkness as we show up with light. If you would like to contact me with your thought, stories to share or to show some love, you can send me an email at!