New Word Order

Episode # 92 The "Society of the Sojourner" (PMA) is NOT FOR YOU unless...

April 04, 2024 Kurtis R.
Episode # 92 The "Society of the Sojourner" (PMA) is NOT FOR YOU unless...
New Word Order
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New Word Order
Episode # 92 The "Society of the Sojourner" (PMA) is NOT FOR YOU unless...
Apr 04, 2024
Kurtis R.

Poe vs Ullman

"the first eight amendments which had been held to be "incorporated" in the Fourteenth... "

Bill of Rights

First in Time / A Pacific Transcription (page 252 from book)

"Author's note: Keeping One's genuine "little g" genesis in mind, I, created a private member association (PMA) to forever relieve One's present Supreme Being - all present and accounted for from fertilization to last breath - from the undue influence, duplicity, and injurious climate of an historically frozen "Gregorian" infant mass, measure, rule, etc., arising (PHI) from the obstruction of Nature's evolutionary due process specific to a medically incomplete delivery. I have formally tagged the "mature" peaceable assembly of PMA Members: Society of the Sojourner."




What is PHI?

PHI stands for Protected Health Information.

The HIPAA Privacy Rule provides federal protections for personal health information held by covered entities...

Divine Proportion

Pacioli gives five reasons why the golden ratio should be referred to as the "Divine Proportion":

  1. Its value represents divine simplicity.
  2. Its definition invokes three lengths, symbolizing the Holy Trinity.
  3. Its irrationality represents God's incomprehensibility.
  4. Its self-similarity recalls God's omnipresence and invariability.
  5. Its relation to the dodecahedron, which represents the quintessence

Divine Simplicity (#1)

"This is the idea that God does not exist in parts but is one unified entity, with no distinct attributes; that is, God’s esse is identical to God’s essence.

To join the "Society of the Sojourner" send one handwritten "A Memoir" (See book: Right of Way / A Pacific Transcription) along with $120 postal money order/cash to:

Kurtis R.Kallenbach
630 N. Mulford Rd.
Rockford, Illinois [61107]
United States of America


Paypal $135 to: 

Show Notes

Poe vs Ullman

"the first eight amendments which had been held to be "incorporated" in the Fourteenth... "

Bill of Rights

First in Time / A Pacific Transcription (page 252 from book)

"Author's note: Keeping One's genuine "little g" genesis in mind, I, created a private member association (PMA) to forever relieve One's present Supreme Being - all present and accounted for from fertilization to last breath - from the undue influence, duplicity, and injurious climate of an historically frozen "Gregorian" infant mass, measure, rule, etc., arising (PHI) from the obstruction of Nature's evolutionary due process specific to a medically incomplete delivery. I have formally tagged the "mature" peaceable assembly of PMA Members: Society of the Sojourner."




What is PHI?

PHI stands for Protected Health Information.

The HIPAA Privacy Rule provides federal protections for personal health information held by covered entities...

Divine Proportion

Pacioli gives five reasons why the golden ratio should be referred to as the "Divine Proportion":

  1. Its value represents divine simplicity.
  2. Its definition invokes three lengths, symbolizing the Holy Trinity.
  3. Its irrationality represents God's incomprehensibility.
  4. Its self-similarity recalls God's omnipresence and invariability.
  5. Its relation to the dodecahedron, which represents the quintessence

Divine Simplicity (#1)

"This is the idea that God does not exist in parts but is one unified entity, with no distinct attributes; that is, God’s esse is identical to God’s essence.

To join the "Society of the Sojourner" send one handwritten "A Memoir" (See book: Right of Way / A Pacific Transcription) along with $120 postal money order/cash to:

Kurtis R.Kallenbach
630 N. Mulford Rd.
Rockford, Illinois [61107]
United States of America


Paypal $135 to: