New Word Order
DEEP conversations about the consequences of the words (terms) used for World Events upon an unsuspecting Public.
128 episodes
Episode # 115 Space & Time
According to Einstein, you need to describe “where you are” not only in three-dimensional space – length, width, height – but also in time.I am all present and accounted for from fertilization to last breath. "I" = foreign se...

Episode # 114 The Final Solution?
House Quote - http://www.gemworld.com/edmandellhouse.htmA Day of National Consecration - "This is a day of national consecration. And I am certain that on this day my fellow Ameri...

Episode # 113 The Promised Land
Feto-maternal placenta - The placenta is a fetomaternal organ. The fetal portion of the placenta is known as the villous chorion. The maternal portion is known as the decidua basalis. The two portions are held to...

Episode # 112 The Consecrated "Fatherland"
FDR "A Day of National Consecration" March4, 1933 (2:08)https://www.c-span.org/video/?5792-1/president-franklin-roosevelt-1933-ina...

Episode # 111 The "Initial Period"
"Kurtis R. Kallenbach" - is NOT the same as - "Kurtis Richard Kallenbach"Initial - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/initialPeriod -

Episode # 110 The Lieber Code: CORPORATE SLAVERY
General Orders No. 100 : The Lieber CodeArt. 42.Slavery, complicating and confounding the ideas of property, (that is of a thing,) and of personality, (that is of humanity,) exists according to municipal or local law only....

Episode # 109 Comingling Public & Private: A Short Conversation
Commingling refers broadly to the mixing of funds belonging to one party with funds belonging to another party. It most often describes a fiduciary’s improper mixing of their personal fund...

Episode #107 Diplomatic Immunity
Office of Foreign Missions - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Foreign_MissionsDiplomatic - "exactly reproducing the original"

Episode #104 LEVEL 42
The Supreme Being - https://supremebeing.life/Court - "The person and suit of the sovereign; the place where the sovereign sojourns with his regal retinue, wherever that may be." - Black's L...

Oaf - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/oafSupremebeing.life - https://supremebeing.life/The Puppet Masters -

Episode # 103 The Fool's Choice
THE FOOL'S CHOICEChristian - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChristianityorPagan - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paganism

Episode #102 "Coram Nobis"
Coram Nobis - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coram_nobis"A writ of coram nobis (also writ of error cor...

Episode # 101 "Supernatural"
NORMSFOR PROCEEDING IN THE DISCERNMENTOF ALLEGED SUPERNATURAL PHENOMENAPresentationListening to the SpiritWho Works in the Faithful People of God

Episode # 100 The "Phantom" Limb
Genius"an attendant spirit of a person or place" (note: spirit = breath)https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/genius"gen"

Episode # 99 "Rule of Law"
USPS $1 Sacred Geometry Stamphttps://store.usps.com/store/product/1-dollar-floral-geometry-stamps-S_121804#moreinfofooter...

Episode # 98 Is your narcissistic "dog" on a leash?
Mirror "Image" ex. god/dog"A mirror image (in a plane mirror) is a reflected duplication of an object that appears almost identical, but is reversed in the direction perpendicular to the mirror surface. As an

Episode # 97 Is the Federal Union a "treaty" with Rome?
USPS - NEW $1 Stamphttps://store.usps.com/store/results/_/N-175o9paZ1seusz2ZmqlxuoZv9trtyZygote"After fertilization, the conceptus trav...

Episode # 96 The "Devil" is in the DETAILS
FDR First Inaugural Address, 4 March 1933 "President Hoover, Mr. Chief Justice, my friends: This is a day of national consecration. And I am certain that on this day my fellow Americans expect that on my induction into the Presidency, I...

Episode # 95 Are YOU a Volunteer?
Equity - "justice according to natural law"https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/equityMaxims of equity -