New Word Order

Episode # 103 The Fool's Choice

June 25, 2024 Kurtis R.
Episode # 103 The Fool's Choice
New Word Order
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New Word Order
Episode # 103 The Fool's Choice
Jun 25, 2024
Kurtis R.


Christian -
Pagan -

Zygote - In human fertilization, a released ovum (a haploid secondary oocyte with replicate chromosome copies) and a haploid sperm cell (male gamete) combine to form a single diploid cell called the zygote.

Between the stages of fertilization and implantation, the developing embryo is sometimes termed as a preimplantation-conceptus. This stage has also been referred to as the pre-embryo in legal discourses including relevance to the use of embryonic stem cells. In the US the National Institutes of Health has determined that the traditional classification of pre-implantation embryo is still correct.

Genesis 2:2 KJV

“And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.”

genesis -  "the origin or coming into being of something"
Genesis - "the mainly narrative first book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scriptures"

Creation of Adam -

Ethnic - "of or relating to the Gentiles or to nations not converted to Christianity : PAGAN"

 Disestablishment ofthe Church of England Bill [HL]

"Disestablish the Church of England; to make provision for the protection of
freedom of religion or belief; and for connected purposes.

B E IT ENACTED by the King’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and
consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present
Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—... "

Estates of the Realm -

"The best known system is the French Ancien Régime (Old Regime), a three-estate system which was made up of a First Estate of clergy, a Second Estate of titled nobles, and a Third Estate of all other subjects (both peasants and bourgeoisie)."

Show Notes


Christian -
Pagan -

Zygote - In human fertilization, a released ovum (a haploid secondary oocyte with replicate chromosome copies) and a haploid sperm cell (male gamete) combine to form a single diploid cell called the zygote.

Between the stages of fertilization and implantation, the developing embryo is sometimes termed as a preimplantation-conceptus. This stage has also been referred to as the pre-embryo in legal discourses including relevance to the use of embryonic stem cells. In the US the National Institutes of Health has determined that the traditional classification of pre-implantation embryo is still correct.

Genesis 2:2 KJV

“And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.”

genesis -  "the origin or coming into being of something"
Genesis - "the mainly narrative first book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scriptures"

Creation of Adam -

Ethnic - "of or relating to the Gentiles or to nations not converted to Christianity : PAGAN"

 Disestablishment ofthe Church of England Bill [HL]

"Disestablish the Church of England; to make provision for the protection of
freedom of religion or belief; and for connected purposes.

B E IT ENACTED by the King’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and
consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present
Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—... "

Estates of the Realm -

"The best known system is the French Ancien Régime (Old Regime), a three-estate system which was made up of a First Estate of clergy, a Second Estate of titled nobles, and a Third Estate of all other subjects (both peasants and bourgeoisie)."