Undoing to Become

Stillness. a mindfulness practice

December 23, 2023 Margo James ( MJ) Season 1 Episode 42

THis is a stillness practice a mindfulness intent to connect with your enviroment in a deeper and more prseent way. By connecting to the moment and with intent taking the time to be mindful our brain gers a rest and we become more still.

Enjoy this practice in this full episode or listen to just the piece that resonates with you. The beauty of a stillness practice is you can engage for 5 minutes for 15. the stillness practice grounds you into the present moment awakwns the more subtle natural ability within us.
I have been becoming more aware and more connected to the world around me, the human interactions and my intertwine with the divine. a
As awarenss arises, ignorance diminishes.

A meditation journey within