Undoing to Become

Intertwine with the divine A meditation to consciously connect with the divinity within

December 31, 2023 Margo James ( MJ) Season 1 Episode 43

This meditation is one that awakens our mind to the divine that lives within us in every moment.
By taking the time to become aware of how we intertwine with the divine, we give oursleves permission to explore this connection.
So much of our life is defined by to dos instead of aligned action, or by who we think we are and or the roles we live.  Life almost  become a distraction  from the divinity within us and all around. 
By taking time to consciously connect with the Universe, God, Goddess, Creation, whatever we consider our spiritual essence, we start to remember, we start to see, we become aware of how we are so intertwined with the divine.
I hope you enjoy this meditation and gentle guidance, It is always with love joy gratitude and much honor that I can provide these meditations for all of you.
I am truly honored.
I thank all my teachers and wise ones before and ahead 
Namaste beautiful souls

A meditation journey within