Spirit-Led Hope Podcast Artwork Image

Spirit-Led Hope

Glenn Erichsen

Spirit-Led Hope IS A SEQUENTIAL TEACHING SERIES which looks at the essentials of Christian discipleship and discusses practical ways to live a life of hope and peace led by the Holy Spirit. Spirit-Led Hope is challenging, yet offers hope to all who wish to follow Jesus. Season 4 will begin after a summer break...but short "minicasts" will help listeners keep connected until Season 4  begins. Season 3 is all about the Bible. Season 2 looks at the tension between the Biblical account of Creation and science. Season 1 looks at the activity of the Holy Spirit in a believer's life. Growth in the fruit of the Spirit is examined, as well as gifts of the Holy Spirit. Spirit-Led Hope not only explains what the gifts of the Spirit are, but how to exercise these gifts when led by the Holy Spirit. ALL SEASONS ARE BEST LISTENED TO IN ORDER. Spirit-Led Hope is hosted by Glenn Erichsen. Glenn is a bi-vocational pastor within the Foursquare movement, and makes his living performing research and product development. With an educational background in physics, Glenn is fascinated by the intersection of faith and science. As a disclaimer, Glenn's employer has no involvement with the content of this podcast. 
