Vibing Well with Dr. Stacy (A Foundational Approach to Healing the LIFESTYLE)
Dr. Stacy, a traditional Naturopath who specializes in Functional (Foundational/Lifestlye) Medicine, is answering your questions in regards to health and healing. From hormones to gut healing and everything in between - listen in as she shares stories of her own healing journey, what she sees clinically, and what she has researched to give you the most up to date answers when it comes to healing holistically.
*This information is not meant to be taken as medical advice, or to replace the advice of your practitioner or primary care. It is also not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure diseases.
Vibing Well with Dr. Stacy (A Foundational Approach to Healing the LIFESTYLE)
#057 The MOLD Episode - Answering All Of Your Questions About Mold!
In this episode, I address ALL of the questions I get about mold, including:
Can you get better living in it?
Do you need all of the supplements?
How to detox without symptoms?
HLA/DR and genetics
And so much more!
Also, I share my experience personally of at least 3 exposures and how they are all different, what I see clinically, and what mold sheds a light on when it comes to our foundational health!
I also speak a lot about water (not just the water we drink), but how the water and the mitochondria influence our genetic expression. So to truly support our genetics, we have to support what controls those genes being turned on or off.
Here is the water episode I mentioned.
For personalized testing to look at toxin load, etc, click HERE.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Mycircadian APP DOCTOR (code)
Ra Optics (Code DRSTACYND)
Bon Charge (Code DRSTACY) red light panel and circadian bulbs
Higher Dose (my FAV sauna blanket with low to no EMF) code DRSTACY
Analemma Water (structuring)
Spring Aqua (my FAV water system)
Thank you all so much for being here! For more from me,
visit my IG @dr.stacy.nd or my site www.dr-stacy.com
-Dr. Stacy
This information is just that; information only - not to be taken as medical advice. Please contact your primary care before changing anything to your routine. This information is not mean to diagnose, treat, or cure disease.