The Food2Gather Podcast
The Food2Gather podcast dives into examples from each of the six universities participating in the Food2Gather project – a European project which aimed to answer the question: what role does food play in creating public spaces and opportunities for people to meet and live together?
Podcasting since 2022 • 12 episodes
The Food2Gather Podcast
Latest Episodes
Food as the common language around a surplus table
In this episode of the Food2Gather podcast, we hear from a local social organization that is working to help young people and reduce food waste. Head into the class with them as they teach research methods, cook food and enjoy each other's comp...
Season 1
Episode 11

A research question and answer with Food2Gather Italy
This episode is a little bit different. The Food2Gather Italian team talks about their research through a question and answer format. Enjoy! The Food2Gather podcast dives into examples from each of the six universities participating...
Season 1
Episode 10

Vivre dans l'attente et s'alimenter : solidarités, débrouilles et résistances autour de squats bordelais
Episode is in FrenchDans cet épisode – nous nous trouvons à Bordeaux. Nous nous intéressons dans la question : comment s’aliment-t-on au quotidien quand on vit en squat ? Pour répondre à cette question, il faut aussi comprendre que...
Season 1
Episode 9

I paesaggi del cibo come spazi di integrazione: la ricerca del gruppo italiano
Episode is in Italian Il podcast che presentiamo delinea la ricerca del gruppo italiano che guarda alla migrazione forzata attraverso le lenti del cibo. I primi due clip riguardano le pratiche del cibo in due scenari di emergenza: ...
Season 1
Episode 8

Migrants' food in Europe : why is it a controversial issue?
We head to Belgium and Norway in this episode to explore a controversial topic: the slaughter of animals with (or without) stunning for the production of halal or kosher meat. This topic was part of a comparative analysis conducted by the six F...
Season 1
Episode 7