"I’ve never met a woman architect before..." podcast with Michele Grace Hottel, Architect
"I've never met a woman architect before..." The trials and tribulations of being a woman, a lover, a friend, a mother and last but not least, an architect...If you've never met a woman architect before... here SHE is!!! Join Michele Grace Hottel, owner of her namesake architecture and design firm, as she takes you on an exploration into the lives of today's Architects: their first recollections of experiencing architecture, their inspiration, their favorite buildings and what they would like to say about the future of the profession. #architecture #architect #womenarchitects #archimom
"I’ve never met a woman architect before..." podcast with Michele Grace Hottel, Architect
Episode 1: Interview with Vishaan Chakrabarti, FAIA of PAU
The first of my podcast Interviews is with Vishaan Chakrabarti, FAIA of PAU. The interview took place at his office during the AIA Conference in New York City in June 2018.
Vishaan Chakrabarti of PAU: Practice for Architecture and Urbanism
and professor at Columbia University
"Architecture is more relevant today than it has ever been...
It is both a mirror and a window into the challenges that society faces at any given time...
We are at a moment of great relevance, the thing that we have to be careful of is that we are not just talking to other architects but to political leadership and people who have control over how people use the spaces..."
Link to blog post:
Link to MGHarchitect: MIchele Grace Hottel, Architect website for scheduling and podcast sponsorship opportunities: