"I’ve never met a woman architect before..." podcast with Michele Grace Hottel, Architect
"I've never met a woman architect before..." The trials and tribulations of being a woman, a lover, a friend, a mother and last but not least, an architect...If you've never met a woman architect before... here SHE is!!! Join Michele Grace Hottel, owner of her namesake architecture and design firm, as she takes you on an exploration into the lives of today's Architects: their first recollections of experiencing architecture, their inspiration, their favorite buildings and what they would like to say about the future of the profession. #architecture #architect #womenarchitects #archimom
73 episodes
Episode 73: Interview with Greg Tate, Greg Tate Architect
This episode is sponsored by: Rock Mill Tile & StoneVincent CullinanO. 310.559.9500@rockmillstone
Episode 73: Interview with Chris Novelli of N3 Architecture
This episode is Sponsored by:Stone Architect, Stone World and Granite Your Planethttps://stonearchitect.org/Phone: 416-303-0655 Email: andrew@stonearchitect.orgThis episode is with ar...
Episode 72: Interview w/ Becca Roberts, Becca Lee Roberts, Design & Richard Sanford, Dauntless Design Collaborative
Sooooo... this Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday and I wanted to celebrate sports instead of something political right now so I asked The EntreArchitect Facebook Group who was living in the cities of the competing teams and how their city was the bet...
Episode 71: Interview with Jennifer Luce, FAIA of Luce et Studio
This episode is Sponsored by:Apple for Architects with Neal Pann, Architecthttps://appleforarchitects.com/This episode is with architect Jennifer Luce, FAIA of Luce et Studio....
Episode 70: Interview with Marcela Abadi Rhoads, FAIA of Abadi Accessibility & Architecture
This episode is Sponsored by: Fox Valley Elevator https://www.foxvalleyelevator.com/This episode is with Marcela Abadi Rhoads, FAIA RAS and I chose her for the first episode...
Episode 69: Interview with Gregory Mottola, FAIA of Bohlin Cywinski Jackson Architects
This episode is sponsored by: BLOMBERGblombergwindows.comPlease visit the blog for the images and the Book List and link...
Episode 68: Interview with Laura DuCharme Conboy, AIA of DuCharme Architecture
This episode is sponsored by:INICIO Windows + Doorshttps://iniciowindows.com/Contact: Randy McMurrayThis episode is with Laura DuCharme Conboy, AIA of DuCharme ArchitectureLink to...
Episode 67: #HOLIDAYGIFTLIST and Interview with Nancy Weinman of Weinman Architectural Services
Interview with Nancy Weinman and the annual "I've never met a woman architect before... Holiday Gift List 2024https://inmawomanarchitect...
Episode 66: Interview with Cecilia Ramos, AIA of Lutron Ketra
This episode is an interview with architect and lighting designer Cecilia Ramos, AIA of Lutron Ketra.Link to Blog with images and text:h...
Episode 65: Interview with Patrick Tighe, FAIA FAAR of TIGHE Architecture
This podcast is sponsored by Loewen Windows and Doors and Lutron....Link to blog with accompanying text and images:https://inmawom...
Episode 64: Interview with Christine Williamson of Building Science Fight Club
This podcast episode is sponsored by Loewen Windows and Doors, AGS Stainless and Christian Nielson-Palacios of "The Grouchy Architect" Please let the sponsors know where you saw their sponsorship!!!!Christine Williamson has spent he...
Episode 61: Interview with Mahya Salehi, AIA of Mahya Salehi Studio
This podcast and blog are sponsored by: AGS Stainless Integrum ConstructionWestern Window SystemsMahya Salehi is a licensed architect based in California and the founder of Mahya Salehi Studio, established in J...
Episode 62 : Interview with Suzanne Bosanquet of Suzanne Bosanquet Architecture
This Podcast and Accompanying Blog are Sponsored by https://plungie.com/en-us/ Plungie and an Anonymous DonorSuzanne Bosanquet, RAIA, of Suzanne Bosanquet, Architect
Episode 60: Interview with Tim Andreas of AWEWORKS
My podcast with my amazing friend and architect Tim Andreas of AWEWORKS who can finally do a podcast with me because he doesn't have to sign an NDA, for the moment.DELIVERING INSPIRING BEAUTYTim Andreas:"While preparing for a...
Episode 59: Interview with Tom Kundig, FAIA RIBA of Olson Kundig Architects
This podcast is the third in a series on AIA CRAN Symposium 2023, Salt Lake CityThis podcast is sponsored by Loewen Windows and Doors.....My interview with Tom Kundig, FAIA, RIBA Owner and Founder of Olson Kundig... listen ...
Episode 58: Interview with Namita M. Modi of Modi Architecture and Design
This is the second of a series on the AIA CRAN Symposium in Salt Lake City, Utah in October of 2023.Sponsorship Opportunities are now available for the Podcast. Please contact me via my website:
Episode 57: Interview with Eve Guilbaud, LEED AP of Loewen Windows
My interview with Eve Guilbaud, LEED AP of Loewen Windows as we talk about architecture and design and windows and holidays and gifts for those clients, consultants and other architects with the seventh annual "I've never met a woman arch...
Episode 56: Interview with Michael Merschat, AIA , of Open Corner Architecture and Brad Northcut of Tinker Ma
My interview with Michael Merschat and Brad Northcut is part of my series on AIA CRAN (Custom Residential Architects Network) Symposium 2023 Michael Merschat, AIA , of Open Corner Architecture a"Michael grew up on a far...
Episode 55: Interview with Brian Linder, AIA , Broker Associate of "The Value of Architecture"
In this long awaited podcast episode, I speak with Architect and Broker Associate Brian Linder, AIAA seasoned real estate professional with 20 years of experience in high-end, custom residential design and construction and a master’s de...
Episode 54: Interview with Nicole Lynam of KE Design, LLC
Nicole Lynam is the owner and principal architect of Ke Design LLC located in Tempe, Arizona. Ke Design is a commercial architecture firm that specializes in the design of gas stations, convenience stores, and other fuel industry facilities.
Episode 53: Interview with John E. Sather of SWABACK Architects + Planners
In Episode 53 of "I've never met a woman architect before..." podcast listen to John E. Sather of SWABACK Architects + Planners as he answers the four questions and talks about his experience at Taliesin and starting a practice with fellow asso...
Episode 52: Interview with Bob Habian of tect
My Interview with Bob Habian, AIA at the tect booth during AIA Conference A'23 in San Francisco.Bob Habian, AIA CEO | Co-Founder – I connect building product manufacturers with architects and specifiers at the moment important product d...
Episode 51: Interview with Marc Appleton, of Appleton Partners LLP-Architects
One of the things that I have been doing during the pandemic opening up are reaching out to different architects and going to their offices to meet in person andI have been visiting a lot of residential architects lately and I have my own p...
Episode 50: Interview with Lisa Raynes, RIBA of Pride Road Architecture Franchise
Interview with Lisa Raynes, architect and creator and owner of the Pride Road Architecture Franchise. Lisa is an architect that specialises in the domestic sector which, she discovered, is perfect for getting her "work-life balance...
Episode 48: Interview w/ Elizabeth Carmichael, AIA of ecohousegreen: #SDDW INSPIRATION
This is the fifth of a series on local Architects and Urbanists for the San Diego Design Week theme of:INSPIRATIONElizabeth Carmichael founded ECOhouse as a source for ecologically responsible architecture and development. ECO...