"I’ve never met a woman architect before..." podcast with Michele Grace Hottel, Architect

Episode 70: Interview with Marcela Abadi Rhoads, FAIA of Abadi Accessibility & Architecture

This episode is Sponsored by:
Fox Valley Elevator

This episode is with Marcela Abadi Rhoads, FAIA RAS and I chose her for the first episode of the new year because we need some positivity and inclusivity for 2025!!!! Follow the link to the blog to see Images and Text!


Marcela Abadi Rhoads, FAIA RAS is the owner of Abadi Accessibility, an accessibility consulting firm that is dedicated to educating the building industry about the laws of accessibility.  Marcela is a Fellow of the Americans Institute of Architects and the author of “The ADA Companion Guide”  and “Applying the ADA” published by John Wiley and Sons.  She  received her Bachelor of Architecture in from  the University of Texas in Austin and got her architectural license in 1999.   Her firm is on their 20th year of  assisting the building industry, in part, by producing  a monthly newsletter on accessibility topics, performing TDLR reviews and inspections and onsite assessments.  www.abadiaccess.com

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Link to MGHarchitect: MIchele Grace Hottel, Architect website for scheduling and podcast sponsorship opportunities:


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