A Simple Blood Test that Can Save Your Life From Heart Disease, Attacks & Strokes Artwork

A Simple Blood Test that Can Save Your Life From Heart Disease, Attacks & Strokes

Regular health exams are important, but there are certain medical tests that you may not be aware of – tests that may save your life.In many cases, these exams have proven to warn individuals about illnesses, helping them prepare for what could be and even prevent them from getting the illness altogether. According to research, “each year in the United States about 795,000 people suffer a stroke, of which 80% could have been prevented.”A CRP test is a simple blood test that could measure your body’s inflammation level based on the level of CRP in your blood.This information could be crucial to identifying a hidden health risk that standard, and even specialized, checkups often miss. FULL ARTICLE >> https://flip.it/WZBq9Y

A Simple Blood Test that Can Save Your Life From Heart Disease, Attacks & Strokes