The Brand Journalist
A podcast for people with "content" in their job title about the delightful, frustrating, complicated work of writing words that matter for audiences and clients.
5 episodes
Quality & Quantity Enter the Ring. Nobody Comes Out Alive.
Let's talk about how much content is enough content. And too much. And how to figure out if the content you're being asked to produce is worth the time and effort it takes to create it.
Season 1
Episode 5

Create Culture, Not Content
Today, we’re going to talk about a hurdle that every person charged with churning out hundreds of words on-demand, endlessly month after month faces at one time or another: volume, topic burnout, and basically having no idea what the h...
Season 1
Episode 4

Break the Rules, Beautifully
In episode one, I talked about what a Brand Journalist is and does. In this episode, we'll talk through some great examples of breaking the content marketing rules and how they can help us think differently about the way we write for our audien...
Season 1
Episode 3

What's a Brand Journalist?
Now that we’ve gotten intros out of the way (listen back to episode 1, if you missed that), I thought I’d take some time today to talk about what a Brand Journalist is…why I like to call myself one, and why we call what we do here at E...
Season 1
Episode 2

Hello from the Content Creation Wasteland
Welcome to the first episode of The Brand Journalist! This week, we'll get intros out of the way, you'll hear a little about who I am, and a lot about how much I hate the word content. Don't worry, I'm going to tell you why, start unpacking how...
Season 1
Episode 1