Monday Mindset With Isha Warriors

Episode 22: B.R.A.G. All You Want

July 04, 2022 Alli

I think you are a big deal and I think you should BRAG- “B.R.A.G.”  In fact, I believe there would be more peace within ourselves, our communities, our nation and our world…if people would B.R.A.G. the way I teach today.

Growth begins with believing in yourself…

…but when does self assurance move into arrogance? 

…when does faith and confidence move into prideful cockiness? 

How do we increase our self esteem in a healthy way?

Today I will talk about what B.R.A.G. stands for to me and how following this acronym will help you answer the two questions above and talk about 10 ways to continuing growing and increasing in self esteem in a way that is honoring to you and the people you interact with.

So what does B.R.A.G. stand for?

B-Be confident. (Not cocky.)

R-Radiate light. (Remember to charge YOUR battery.)

A-Always be humble and teachable. (This is the key to accessing your super powers.)

G-Give others permission to B.R.A.G. too. (Help others step into their greatness too.)

6 Attributes of a CONFIDENT PERSON versus a  COCKY ONE:

  1. A confident person understands who they are.  They take the time to acknowledge their strengths and their weaknesses and own both. A confident person understands that to be self assured DOES NOT EQUAL being perfect. To be self assured is to love yourself despite your imperfections, so they are more willing to be vulnerable, to take risks and try new things.
  2. They easily accept compliments knowing they are awesome and they just as easily admit their mistakes because they know that recognizes where they fell short or where they are out of alignment is the first step in learning from a mistake and becoming more awesome. 
  3. They don’t waste time playing the blame game. 
  4. They see themselves as equals to all they come into contact with. Not superior or inferior. Equal.
  5. The energy behind a confident person’s words and actions comes from their knowledge of their great self worth. 
  6. When you are with a confident person. You feel important and more confident.

A cocky person…

  1.  Does not take the time to look within and see the good the bad and the ugly.  They believe that to be self assured they need to be perfect, they are less willing to be vulnerable, and they are more likely to stay with what is known and safe to them.
  2. Because they need to perfect, they can never acknowledge they’ve made a mistake or could be wrong about something.  
  3. Which means everything is always someone else’s fault or a circumstance out of their control. 
  4. They often see themselves as superior than others and put others down to stay feeling up.  OR they feel inferior and insecure so they embellish their accomplishments and achievements, they obsessively talk about their possessions and things that they tie their worth to, to convince everyone including themselves that they too have worth. 
  5. The energy behind a cocky person’s words and action comes from their lack of self esteem and feeling of worthlessness.
  6. When you are with a cocky person. You feel less than and unvalidated.


  • Do I understand my worth?
  • Do I understand my strengths and weaknesses?
  • Am I confident in m

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