
Alli Louthain

ISHA (“ee-sha”) is a Sanskrit word meaning: “Ruling god or goddess; one who protects”.

ISHA embodies Alli Louthain’s approach to teaching yoga. As a yoga instructor for over 15 years, she has empowered and inspired students to understand their great worth in a space where they feel protected.  She’s worked with teens for two decades and had the opportunity to train other yoga instructors on how to teach teens and children. Alli has been highlighted in local news, yoga magazines and newspapers. She has been the keynote speaker at school assemblies and youth firesides.  Alli has helped head up grass roots community events with thousands in attendance.  And most importantly, she knows the name of every student who walks into her classes.  

As a mother of 4 she's seen first hand the struggles our teens go through and as a yoga instructor she seeks to empower our future warriors. 
