

Jim Govreau

I've been playing / DMing D&D since the beginning of time.  Ok...maybe not THAT long.  I started in high school back in about 1979.  I played pretty consistently during my time in the USMC (nine years) and after that up through 3.0.  One of my friends and I had a short lived supplement company (Thunderhead Games), which was a lot of fun but, ultimately, didn't make a lot of money.  I then dropped out of the scene for a long time until...COVID.  I then went back to listening to some of the top D&D podcasts, which gave me the itch to get back into the game.  I joined a Discord server with more mature players on it and soon found a group to DM for.  Our game was going so well that we decided to start our own podcast.  This is the result. I hope you all like it as much as we do!



I've been playing D&D for roughly 2 years. I have always been interested in high fantasy and RPG style games. It wasn't until I was an adult that I was able to find a table to play. That last 2 weeks, then Covid hit and it was all gone. I managed to find the "Old Adventures" discord and got hooked up with most of these guys. I have been very lucky to find a fantastic DM (Jim) and an awesome group with which to adventure!



I've been playing D&D on and off for over ten years now. I've always been a fan of role playing games and was an actor in high school. My enjoyment of games and general nerdiness lead me to D&D and all the worlds and possibilities that come with it. I joined Sometimes You Crit through Mark, my Father-in-Law and the group graciously welcomed me into their party.



Ian used to work a nice quiet desk job where he could spend entire days listening to Actual Play Podcasts while working and commuting. He never had either the nerve or free time to personally get into actually playing. That was until Quarantines and Unemployment took over his life. Now he runs the TTRPG Discord server where these knuckleheads all met, and plays in way too many weekly games to be considered sane. His favorite activity is creating characters…and then he usually regrets the choices he made with these characters when he actually steps up to role-play them. His favorite color is Purple and he absolutely despises long walks on the beach.



Mark has played D&D from its early days in the 1970’s while still in grade school. He played through high school and college, making life-long friends in the process. After getting married and having kids, things got too busy, so he did not get to play for a long time… but he did miss ‘the good old days’ playing D&D into the wee hours of the morning. After his kids were older, he was invited to attend GenCon with his old friends. He was able to find some AD&D old school games at GenCon. After COVID, he joined the same Discord group as Jim, and have been playing with his group ever since. 



I started playing D&D in the 80’s when a friend’s big brother brought out the original starter box and I have been hooked ever since. Continued to play 1E and 2E into the 90’s until real life set in and I started to have a family but always looked fondly back on the “good ole days” of long night sessions of D&D. Then, in the late 2010’s, my son started getting interested in the game and I was amazed how much it had changed. By around 2015, I was back in a weekly tabletop session playing 5E with some friends and family until….COVID. Desperate to keep playing, I searched until I found a Discord server with older players like myself. That is how I found this great group to play with and I have never looked back. I have even found the courage to try DMing