Jim Govreau
I've been playing / DMing D&D since the beginning of time. Ok...maybe not THAT long. I started in high school back in about 1979. I played pretty consistently during my time in the USMC (nine years) and after that up through 3.0. One of my friends and I had a short lived supplement company (Thunderhead Games), which was a lot of fun but, ultimately, didn't make a lot of money. I then dropped out of the scene for a long time until...COVID. I then went back to listening to some of the top D&D podcasts, which gave me the itch to get back into the game. I joined a Discord server with more mature players on it and soon found a group to DM for. Our game was going so well that we decided to start our own podcast. This is the result. I hope you all like it as much as we do!