Torben Sondergaard Podcast
Join Torben Sondergaard as he shares his teachings and experiences from his missionary journeys. Through practical instruction, Torben inspires and prepares Christians to emulate the disciples of Jesus from the early church. Discover how to make disciples, spread the Gospel, and live in anticipation of the Day of the Lord.
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41 episodes
Saved Out Of Egypt: Our Journey Of Salvation - Kingdom School - Lesson 4
If there were just one message I truly wanted the church to get, it would be this one: to understand what salvation is, what we are saved from, how we are saved, and what we are saved to. Yes, to understand that salvation is a jour...
Called Out and Be Separated: The Church in the Wilderness - Kingdom School - Lesson 3
In this challenging lesson, we have arrived at a beginning for Israel and the Church, and we will explore they how called out from Egypt in the book of Exodus. But called out from where? And yes, I used the term "the c...
Abraham, Our Father - Circumcision Done by Christ - Kingdom School - Lesson 2
In this second lesson of the Kingdom School, Torben helps us see how Abraham is also our father and what that means. He explains how the covenant of circumcision has not changed. Today, we are circumcised not by human hands but by Christ when w...
From the Beginning to the New Beginning - One Big Story - Kingdom School - Lesson 1
One day, many will say, "Lord, Lord, did we not...?" but they will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Yes, we need to prophesy, cast out demons, and heal the sick as the Bible has called us to do. But we also need to live righteously.
THIS Gospel of THE KINGDOM - Kingdom School - Introduction
It took 300 days, and finally, Torben experienced the freedom in the midst of the persecution that the early disciples faced. For the next 120 days, God called him to create this teaching series and write two books. This was all par...
The Call to Missions
Do you feel frustrated with a missionary calling inside you, just waiting to come out? Stop dreaming and take action! Or perhaps you think you will never live in another country...Welcome to the club! We once thought the...
A New Move of God
We are seeing true transformation here in Mexico, spreading to other places and churches. What we are witnessing right now is extraordinary. We are working together with many pastors and their churches, and it is not just another conference or ...
Living By Faith - Neither Poverty or Riches
On this week’s episode of the podcast we are discussing the prosperity Gospel.There is a big problem with the "prosperity gospel" which has been influencing so many people - but it's also a problem if we go in the other "ditch" and try to live ...
Living By Faith - Dependent on the Father
We need to learn how it is to live in FAITH - how it is to KNOW that we have a Father in Heaven who WILL take care of us! Jesus said that we should not worry about food, about clothes, or about any of those things. Instead, we...
Living By Faith - Working for the Father
The truth is, many people out there are slaves - who want to serve God but cannot, because they are slaves to the house and slaves to the job - slaves to a system that's keeping them down. But, there is a way - a way where we are w...
Living By Faith - Provision
This is an important teaching about what the Bible says about provision - about money. We're going to look at Paul and how he, for a season, was a tent-maker, but also how he had time where he got supported in another way. We're...
Holy Spirit - Not Just for Tounges, But to be a Martyr
This crucial teaching about how the Spirit empowers us to endure imprisonment, persecution, and martyrdom comes from someone who has experienced some of it. Please listen, be filled with the Spirit, and remain full of the spirit so...
Does the Bible talk about a baptism of fire, and is this something we should desire?
Fighting for the Gospel - Receive the Holy Spirit
We first looked at the Holy Spirit in Jesus' life. Then, we looked at the Holy Spirit in the early disciples' lives. Now, we're looking at HOW TO RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT.
Fighting for the Gospel - Power of the Holy Spirit
In this amazing and challenging teaching we are going to look at the Holy Spirit in the early church. This is truly going to challenge you because you will see what the Holy Spirit is really doing in a person who is full of the Spirit.
Fighting for the Gospel - Holy Spirit
WE GOT THE HOLY SPIRIT - NOT TO JUST SIT IN CHURCH - BUT TO SET THE CAPTIVES FREE! This teaching is part of the series called FIGHTING FOR THE TRUE GOSPEL, where Torben has been looking at FAITH, REPENTANCE, BAPTISM IN WATER, and n...
Fighting for the Gospel - Baptism
This episode is a very in depth teaching on baptism. What does the Bible truly say about baptism?
Fighting For The Gospel - Repentance
What does repentance mean? How is it foundational in our response to the Gospel?
Fighting For The Gospel - Faith
In this lesson, I will help you see what FAITH really is, and how far away we've come from the Biblical FAITH we see in the Bible. Sadly, we have gotten a Greek understanding of FAITH as simply a mental state, instead of a Biblical...
Fighting For The Gospel - Intro
For the next few weeks, we will be revisiting a foundational teaching series Torben did called "Fighting for the Gospel." This is for you out there who are preaching the Gospel - you who have a responsibility when it comes to shari...
Deception Many of Us Grew Up In
When I woke up early this morning, this text came to me:"The deception many of us have been growing up in...Faith without obedienceBaptism without freedomHoly Spirit without tonguesDiscipleship without making disciplesPr...
Natural & Spiritual Growth
If there is a revelation that can help you understand the walk with God and how to effectively make disciples and bear fruit, it is the revelation about spiritual levels that I want to share here.In the natural, the seed (sperm) goes in...
Embracing God's Will
Not what we want but what God wants.5 April 1995 - 5 April 2024. And still learning.How do we keep our first love? How can we be faithful and do not what we want but what God wants? These are some of the things Torben shares abo...
Baptism in Holy Spirit and Fire
The first time Jesus came was to baptize us with the Holy Spirit. The second time He will come to bring salvation to those who await Him and to baptize the rest with fire.Yes, all people will be baptized by Jesus. If people don't receiv...
The Significance of Holy Spirit Baptism
The baptism of the Holy Spirit has sadly been reduced to something for only a few or for some specific church denomination. A significant part of the 'church' is missing out on this and the new birth. It is wrong to view this as something only ...
Season 2
Episode 4