Witchy Wellness with Em

Witchcraft for Trauma

Emily Flood Season 1 Episode 82

Taking off the kiddie gloves here with this episode. Emily is talking to the Warrior Goddess that's already within you, not the person who thinks they're broken. We go over the codependent fallacy of needing others to create safe spaces, how to have your guides & your practices help you with growing after trauma, & how the universe will challenge you to take a leap when it comes to becoming the type of person who truly chooses to trust their intuition & create a different reality for yourself over playing out "safe" trauma loop patterns over & over. 

Take the Fitness Goddess Archetype Quiz
to get paired with a goddess based off your default trauma response. Once you get your results you can set up a 20 minute call with me where you'll be led step by step through my body consciousness tool for a craving or a body pain.

➡️The Warrior Goddess Transformation Program...
empowering introverted empaths to lose weight after trauma without endless self sacrifice using depth psychology aligned body energetics.

If you've been listening to the podcast... you know if this is for you or not. Click the link & jump in, you don't need me to hold your hand. Action takers become Warrior Goddesses who get the very best results ➡️
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