Witchy Wellness with Em

How Piper Healed Her Hormones & Released Agoraphobia in The Warrior Goddess Program

Emily Flood Season 1 Episode 91

This is such a special client interview because Piper has been in the mindset portion of the Warrior Goddess program since February (it was May when we recorded this!) & she joined for just the witchy mindset portion... and now she's healed her hormones, been able to get off thyroid medication for her hypothyroidism from Hashimoto's, & has completely gotten off antidepressants & is now leaving the house & interacting with people every day. Listen to hear her story about what the Warrior Goddess program has been like for her & what deities & guides have popped into her life since joining...

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➡️The Warrior Goddess Transformation Program...
empowering witches to lose weight after trauma without endless self sacrifice using depth psychology aligned body energetics.
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