Fintech One•On•One

Mitch Jacobs of Plink

Peter Renton

Have you ever stopped to consider the data behind a debit or credit card transaction? I have not given it much thought, but there is a real treasure trove of information that, for the most part, is still not being used effectively.

My next guest on the Fintech One on One podcast is Mitch Jacobs, the CEO and founder of Plink. You may recognize Mitch's name as he was the founder, CEO and Chairman of OnDeck for its first seven years. Back to Plink. It may well be the most important fintech company that you have never heard of. The work they are doing around transaction personalization is truly groundbreaking.

In this podcast you will learn:

  • Mitch's first entrepreneurial endeavor while in college.
  • The other companies he has started.
  • The idea that led to the founding of Plink.
  • Why card transaction data is not used effectively today.
  • How Plink has solved this problem.
  • Why they focused on community banks and credit unions.
  • How they enrich the raw card spending data.
  • An example of how a Florida credit union is using Plink's data.
  • How they are able to determine the relationships between cardholders and local businesses.
  • Why the card data problem has its roots in copper wires in the 1980s.
  • Why large card issuing banks have not solved this problem yet.
  • The scale that Plink is already at today as far as number of merchants.
  • The definition of a Plink.
  • The opportunity for financial institutions to shape how cardholders are using their cards.
  • What can happen you open up transaction personalization.
  • The endgame for Plink.

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