Fintech One•On•One

Joel Sequeira of IDology on using AI in identity verification

Peter Renton

When I think about the hottest areas in fintech these days identity verification is right at the top of the list. It impacts anyone doing business online so whether you are a bank or a fintech you need to stay on top of this fast-moving space.

My next guest on the Fintech One on One podcast is Joel Sequeira, the Director of Product Management at IDology. Joel is an identity expert with a long history in the space and he talks about the new attack vectors that are in play today, particularly with Generative AI, and more importantly, what fintechs and banks can do to curtail fraud today.

In this podcast you will learn:

  • What Joel does exactly at IDology.
  • The challenges for fintechs and banks in automating customer onboarding.
  • How to incorporate automation and AI into your strategy.
  • The role of human-supervised AI and how to maintain compliance.
  • What he means by onboarding with inclusive customer journeys.
  • How they define advanced identity verification.
  • The different data sources that IDology works with.
  • Why it is important to have deep data in different sectors.
  • Some of the differences between KYC and KYB (Know Your Business).
  • Examples of how Generative AI is being used to commit fraud.
  • The trends that Joel is paying closest attention to.
  • How fintechs and banks can future-proof their identity verification.

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