Fintech One•On•One

Carolyn Rodz of Hello Alice on supporting small business owners

Peter Renton

The journey of the small business owner is often a lonely one. For many people, particularly first-time entrepreneurs, starting a small business can be overwhelming. But today, with the tools available, there has never been a better time to start a business. Having said that, most new small businesses don't make it to five years. What we need is a better support system for small business owners.

My next guest on the Fintech One-on-One podcast is Carolyn Rodz, the CEO and Co-Founder of Hello Alice. She has thought deeply about the multifaceted challenges facing small business owners and has built a business around it. They now have a community of 1.5 million small businesses they support in a number of different ways.

In this podcast you will learn:

  • The frustration that led to the founding of Hello Alice.
  • How they help small businesses improve the health of their business.
  • What the 1.5 million small businesses they work with have in common.
  • How their business credit cards, loans and grants programs work.
  • Details of their enterprise partnerships and how that is helping business owners.
  • What data goes in to determine their proprietary business health score.
  • The primary concerns for small business owners today.
  • How Hello Alice makes money.
  • How they are riding the small business creation wave.
  • What more we could be doing as a country to encourage small businesses.
  • Why they decided to name their company Hello Alice.
  • Her vision for Hello Alice.

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