Fintech One•On•One

Ryan Rosett of Credibly on using Generative AI for underwriting small business loans

Peter Renton

The Generative AI hype is not dying down. But where are the use cases in fintech beyond the basic chatbot? Particularly in fintech lending where AI has been used in underwriting for more than a decade. But not Generative AI. That is why I was very interested to chat with today's guest who has created a patent-pending Gen AI use case.

My next guest on the Fintech One-on-One Podcast is Ryan Rosset, the Co-CEO and Founder of Credibly. They are a small business lender that has been around since 2010, but today they call themselves a "data science driven lender". We find out what this means and much more in this episode.

In this podcast you will learn:

  • The founding story of Credibly.
  • Why they decided very early on to take on a bank partnership.
  • How they have changed as the industry has evolved over the last 14 years.
  • The suite of financing products they offer today.
  • How much progress has been made when it comes to access to capital for small business.
  • The speed of their underwriting process.
  • What they mean when they say they are a "data science driven lender."
  • How they are using their patent-pending Generative AI system in underwriting.
  • The data they are feeding into this Gen AI-system.
  • Other places where they are looking to leverage Gen AI.
  • Why they decided to launch their own business banking product last year.
  • Ryan's perspective on banking-as-a-service and the current challenges.
  • The scale they are at today.
  • What is next for Credibly.

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