

Matt Heffernan

Founder of Slithy Games and YouTube video creator. Matt has created games and demos for vintage systems like the Commodore 64, Atari 2600 and Sinclair ZX Spectrum, along with modern retro systems like the Commander X16. On his YouTube channel, Matt features demos of his software, vlogs about retro homebrew development, and detailed tutorials on assembly language programming. Matt has been programming for nearly 40 years, starting with 8-bit computers like the Apple II and Tandy Color Computer, up through today's modern cloud-based enterprise systems. But it's the love for these older, simpler machines that drives his passion for homebrew development and evangelizing the use of retro platforms in this age of ubiquitous computing.


Scott Robison

Scott, who does not care for piña coladas or getting caught in the rain, has been a fan of retrocomputing since it was simply known as computing. He first used Commodore PETs at school in rural north east Texas in 1982 and has been addicted ever since, buying a Commodore 64 and later a Commodore 128D to use as his daily computers through the 1980s. By day he works as a senior software engineer for a Fortune 500 company. By night he roams the streets of Gotham defending the rights of retocomputer enthusiasts to play games on their favorite platforms. You can find him on Facebook and Twitter as CasaDeRobison (note the spelling, because you probably read it wrong), and wherever CasaDeRobisons are sold.

Tom Wilson

Tom bought his first computer at 10 years old... and has had computing in his blood ever since. You'd think he would see a doctor about that. Instead, he gave in to the inevitability of fate and started a career in programming, creating software for education, banking, and public safety, as well as engineering live video and music production.



An avid gamer during the classic era of gaming, he always wanted to make his own games but was too busy playing them to learn assembly. Instead, he has followed a career inspired by the BBS era, becoming a UNIX admin and Cisco network engineer. When retro computing and homebrew game making became a thing, he realized that he now possessed the skills and knowledge to enter the realm of assembly programming on 8-bit machines. His primary interest (when not making the Internet go vroom vroom) is in chip music and audio development.