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Maren Hunt

My name is Maren Hunt and I am a Certified Binge Eating Recovery Coach! I help women break free from binge eating and the diet mentality so they can feel at peace around food and their body. I struggled with bulimia for 20 years and when I finally embraced recovery, I found my purpose; to help others who are battling with this illness as well. It is my mission and vision to help my clients reach the other side of recovery where they rediscover who they are, feel at ease around food, intuitively take care of and respect their body and live their lives the way they envision.  In my coaching program, I support my clients in overcoming fears around food/body, mindset rewiring, Intuitive Eating, body image, and cultivating compassion. I am here to hold space for all of you as well as remind you that you are so much more than a body!  I am so grateful to be here alongside Sophie sharing our experiences, tools, and methods to help you make peace with food and your body

Sophie McCollum

Sophie is a certified nutritionist and body image coach.  She helps her clients transform their lives by getting rid of the guilt and shame tied to how they eat and what the look like.  She helps them break free from the restrict/binge cycle, find balance and trust in their food choices and helps them cultivate radical self acceptance.  She uses her knowledge and education in nutrition along the principles of intuitive eating to guide people through their food and body freedom journey.   She is deeply compassionate and is dedicated to taking down diet culture and breaking the stigma that your weight and size is connected to your health and worth.