Star Child Podcast
Using my unique lens to share intuitive messages, healing perspectives, and insights from the stars.
11 episodes
What Do You Do When Life Gets Challenging? Don't Quit Right Before the Blessing Arrives
What do you do when life gets challenging? When fear, doubt, and so many intense experiences arise at once, and you feel like the world is trying to get you to stop in your tracks and give up?Join me as I talk about the power of these m...
Episode 11

Riding the Emotional Waves: Navigating Life as a Highly Sensitive Soul
What are our emotions here to do for us? What purpose do they serve, and how can we navigate the intensity of our journey when we feel like we're being pummeled by waves of emotion?Join me as I talk about living as a highly sensitive so...
Episode 10

Feeling Afraid and Doing it Anyway: Moving Forward in the Face of Fear
What would you do if you weren't afraid?What if you could still feel the fear and move forward anyway?Join Kelechi Ubozoh and I on our quarterly mega-episode as we talk about fear, how it'...
Episode 9

Leaning into Visibility and Expressing Your Authentic Self
What would it take for you to show up in your full authenticity?Join me as I talk about stepping into your truest expression of self, protective mechanisms that can show up from childhood, and getting comfortable being visible in order ...
Episode 8

Why Vulnerability is the Key to Your Desires: Moving from Vulnerable-Adjacent to True Authenticity
Are you really being vulnerable or just vulnerable-adjacent?Join me as I talk about why vulnerability is the key to receiving everything you desire, the deeply individual nature of sharing yourself with the world, vulnerability backlash...
Episode 7

Chiron's Wisdom: Discovering the Gifts Within the Wound
This episode almost didn't exist.My brother saved it.Literally. This wouldn't have existed without his help.Read the full story
Episode 6

Retrograde Season
Join me as I talk about retrogrades, the experiences and opportunities they bring, the themes of our current transits, and how to use this period of time for your highest benefit.We currently have multiple planets in retrograde, w...
Episode 5

Recovering from Perfectionism
Join me for this episode as I talk about my journey in recovering from perfectionism, allowing ourselves to be seen, and the beauty of showing up as the authentic self.Want to connect? I'd love to hear from you!
Episode 4

The Stories We Tell Ourselves: Rewriting the Narrative to Unearth Our Inner Magick
Join me for this episode as I talk about childhood conditioning, examining the stories we tell ourselves, and the magick that emerges as we rewrite our internal narratives and reconnect with our core self.The world needs your medicine! ...
Episode 3

Why Feeling Tested is a Sign of a Imminent Breakthrough
Join me as I share on the aftermath of eclipse season and why intense challenges are actually a sign you're about to break through. If you've been feeling tested or at the end of your wits lately (I'm right there with ya), this episode is...
Episode 2

Staying Grounded When the World Shifts Beneath Your Feet: Eclipse Season & Inner Child Healing
Join Kelechi Ubozoh and I for a conversation about current shifts and lessons, eclipse season, and stabilizing yourself from the inside out while the world around you changes rapidly.Want to c...
Episode 1