God's Playbook
Welcome to Gods Playbook. The podcast that knocks the hard hitting religious questions out of the park, or catching the Holy Spirit in the endzone. Train your soul and be God's MVP with your host Fr. Rico Passero. If you'd like to support us please visit: Ko-Fi: https://www.ko-fi.com/godsplaybookpodcast BuzzSprout: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1984653/supportGoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/supportgodsplaybookpodcast
862 episodes
Season 5 Episode 46- Stations of the Cross - The 2nd Station - Jesus takes up his Cross
As we continue praying the Stations of the Cross, in the second Station, we reflect on the moment Jesus willingly embraces His cross. Though innocent, He takes on the weight of sin, enduring suffering out of love for each of us. Jesus does not ...
Season 5
Episode 46

Season 5 Episode 45- Stations of the Cross - The 1st Station - Jesus is condemmed to Death
As we begin our journey through the Stations of the Cross, we reflect on the first station: Jesus is condemned to death. Pilate believed he had power over Jesus, yet Jesus reminds us that all authority comes from above. In this station, we lear...
Season 5
Episode 45

Season 5 Episode 44 - Why Do we Pray the Stations of the Cross during Lent
Why does the Church encourage us to pray the Stations of the Cross, especially on Fridays during Lent? Fridays are a solemn reminder of Christ’s suffering and death—His scourging, the crown of thorns, the mockery, and the weight of the cross He...
Season 5
Episode 44

Season 5 Episode 43 - Do I Have to Pray Every Day
On today’s episode, we dive into the topic of prayer and ask: Do I have to pray every day? If prayer feels like a chore, we might be missing its true purpose. Prayer is a conversation with God, much like how we stay in touch with loved ones—thr...
Season 5
Episode 43

Season 5 Episode 42 - Ashes
Today marks the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday, a season of renewal, penance, and deepened prayer. As the hymn reminds us, “We rise again from ashes, to create ourselves anew.” The ashes on our foreheads serve as a powerful reminder of ou...
Season 5
Episode 42

Season 5 Episode 41 - I Am who I Am
What is God’s name? When Moses asked, God responded, “I AM WHO I AM.” In today’s episode, we explore the mystery and significance of God’s name—Yahweh, the sacred name revealed to Moses. In Jewish tradition, this name is so holy that it is not ...
Season 5
Episode 41

Season 5 Episode 40 - This is Our House
Have you ever wondered where priests live? In today’s episode, we answer a listener’s question about the different living arrangements of priests, nuns, and religious brothers. Some priests, known as diocesan priests, live in a rectory—a house ...
Season 5
Episode 40

Season 5 Episode 39 - What do we do with Religious Objects?
Why does the Church advocate for us to have blessed items in our homes? Religious objects like crucifixes, images of Mary and the saints, rosaries, and other sacramentals serve as reminders of our faith and help us deepen our prayer life. But w...
Season 5
Episode 39

Season 5 Episode 38 - the Languages of the Holy Spirit - Language of Good Counsil
As we conclude our series on the Languages of the Holy Spirit, today we focus on the Language of Good Counsel. How do we conduct ourselves when offering advice or guiding others? Speaking the language of good counsel means leading others toward...
Season 5
Episode 38

Season 5 Episode 37 - the Languages of the Holy Spirit - Language of Joy
As we continue our series on the Languages of the Holy Spirit, today’s episode focuses on the Language of Joy. What does it mean to speak the language of joy in our daily lives? Joy is a gift from God, meant to be shared with others through our...
Season 5
Episode 37

Season 5 Episode 36 - Languages of the Holy Spirit - Language of Peace
Today, we continue our series on the Languages of the Holy Spirit by exploring the Language of Peace. How do we speak the language of peace in our daily lives? To truly live in peace, we must be people who disperse negativity, calm tensions, an...
Season 5
Episode 36

Season 5 Episode 35 - Languages of the Holy Spirit - Understanding
Today, we continue our mini-series on the Languages of the Holy Spirit by exploring the Language of Understanding. The Holy Spirit calls us to be people who seek to truly understand one another, rather than rushing to judgment. Speaking this la...
Season 5
Episode 35

Season 5 Episode 34 - Languages of the Holy Spirit - Mercy
Today, we continue our mini-series on the Languages of the Holy Spirit by exploring the Language of Mercy. God calls each of us to be merciful, just as He is merciful to us. When we experience God's mercy in our own lives, we are better able to...
Season 5
Episode 34

Season 5 Episode 33 - Languages of the Holy Spirit - Compassion
Today, we revisit our mini-series on the Languages of the Holy Spirit, beginning with the Language of Compassion. Compassion is a language we are all called to speak—a language of love, empathy, and action. To be compassionate means to have a h...
Season 5
Episode 33

Season 5 Episode 32 - Revisiting: Human Equality
We revisit our podcast on Human Equality. Today, we conclude our two-part series by shifting our focus from Human Dignity to Human Equality. While we recognize the inherent worth of every person, we now ask: What does it mean to truly see and t...
Season 5
Episode 32

Season 5 Episode 31- Revisting: Human Dignity
Today, we revisit a two-part series on Human Dignity and Human Equality. What is Human Dignity, and how does the Church help us understand it? Every human being is created in the image and likeness of God and deserves to be treated with honour,...
Season 5
Episode 31

Season 5 Episode 30 - How do we speak about God
How do we speak about God? The Catechism of the Catholic Church guides us in understanding how to talk about Him and His divine nature. With our finite minds, grasping the infinite can be challenging, but God reveals Himself to us so that we ma...
Season 5
Episode 30

Season 5 Episode 29- Joseph -Reunited
In today’s episode, we conclude our in-depth examination of the story of Joseph and his brothers. We reflect on the powerful moment when Jacob, also known as Israel, is reunited with his son Joseph—the son he believed was lost forever. His word...
Season 5
Episode 29

Season 5 Episode 28- Joseph - Family Unity
Today, we continue exploring the powerful story of Joseph and his brothers. Joseph reveals his identity to those who betrayed him, his brothers, yet instead of anger, he offers them reassurance—reminding them that God had a greater plan at work...
Season 5
Episode 28

Season 5 Episode 27- Joseph - Mercy or Revenge
Today, we begin our deep dive into the powerful story of Joseph and his brothers. This first episode explores the betrayal Joseph faced when his own brothers sold him into slavery, setting the stage for a journey of hardship, resilience, and, u...
Season 5
Episode 27

Season 5 Episode 26 - Sleeping vs Living
Today’s episode dives into the powerful passage from Matthew 9:18-26, where Jesus challenges the way we see life and death. While the world sees death as final, God sees it differently—He sees only sleeping. When we lose someone, it’s heartbrea...
Season 5
Episode 26

Season 5 Episode 25 - Why do we dip our hands in Holy Water
Today we answer the question, why do we dip our hands in Holy Water. Every time we dip our hands in holy water at church, we are reminded of our baptism—the moment we were cleansed of original sin and welcomed into a new life in Christ. This sa...
Season 5
Episode 25

Season 5 Episode 24 - What's Heaven worth to You
What is Heaven worth to you? In today’s episode, we explore the priceless gift of Heaven—paid for by the blood of Jesus. Jesus uses beautiful imagery to show us that Heaven is a treasure beyond measure, but our choices on Earth shape our journe...
Season 5
Episode 24

Season 5 Episode 23 - Do Priests go to Confession?
Yes, priests go to confession! Like all of us, priests are sinners in need of God’s mercy. Today’s episode explores how confession is not only a sacrament of healing for everyone but also an expectation for priests. While they are required to g...
Season 5
Episode 23

Season 5 Episode 22 - Why is the Old Testament Important
In today’s episode, we explore the importance of the Old Testament and how it lays the foundation for understanding the New Testament. The stories, prophecies, and lessons of the Old Testament are essential for making sense of the life and teac...
Season 5
Episode 22