InSight To The VA
This podcast provides a wide array of information, programs and services that the VA offers for blinded and visually impaired Veterans. It will give a broad scope of all the support available for both the Veteran, family members and caregivers. The goal is to make every day life easier and to make full use of all the VA offers.
InSight To The VA
InSight To The West Palm Beach, Fl. VA. Blind Rehabilitation Center (BRC)
Dougless Cram
Season 1
Episode 1
In this episode we interview Mr. Gabino Lares, a Blind Rehabilitation Supervisor at the VA Blind Rehabilitation Center in West Palm Beach , Fl. Mr. Gabino will share insight as to the programs that are offered and what can you expect while attending the Blind Rehabilitation Center (BRC). His background and understanding of the Veteran community will provide an invaluable insight into the programs offered.