Canadian Intelligence Eh Podcast Artwork Image

Canadian Intelligence Eh

Phil Gurski

Everywhere you look these days terrorism and violent extremism dominate the headlines. Whether you follow what is happening in Afghanistan or Iraq, or in the West writ large, we are inundated with news of attacks by groups and individuals fighting for a 'cause'.In a world of multiple voices and opinions it can be very hard to know where to turn. One choice is to look to those who actually worked in counterterrorism in the national security world. In these half-hour podcasts 30-year Canadian intelligence veteran Phil Gurski is joined by a fascinating array of individuals with something meaningful to say about these issues as they provide insight into what they mean and what we need to do about them.
Episode 226 - We need to see the 1985 Air India terrorist attack as a Canadian actJuly 16, 2024
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Episode 225 - Will the Chinese interference saga in Canada ever come to a conclusion?June 26, 2024
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Episode 241 - On a day to commemorate victims of terrorism Canada is failing badlyJune 24, 2024
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Episode 224 - What is in store for a Russia-Taliban 'marriage of convenience'?June 11, 2024
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Episode 222 - Why language matters when it comes to terrorismMay 27, 2024
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Episode 220 - Why can't those in favour of peace in Gaza denounce what was clearly an act of Hamas terrorism last October?May 13, 2024
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Episode 223 - Are we seeing a spike in terrorist activity Down Under?May 09, 2024
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Episode 221 - Why is professionalism so important, especially in national security?May 06, 2024
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Episode 219 - Multilingual local media can be used to promote foreign states' messagingMay 06, 2024
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Episode 218 - How bad is the threat to Canada's Iranian population?April 25, 2024
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Episode 217 - Decisions on the fate of children whose parents are members of terrorist groups are complicatedApril 21, 2024
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Episode 216 - Canada's fall from importance is sad but also a condemnation of successive governments which dropped the ballApril 15, 2024
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Episode 215 - What are the challenges in writing a spy novel as a former spy?April 09, 2024
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Episode 214 - Afghan women bear the brunt of Taliban jihadi brutalityApril 01, 2024
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Episode 213 - What happens if the bad guys' communications get too sophisticated to read?March 25, 2024
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Quick Hits - Episode 240 - Why jihadis should be seen as the prime candidates for the Moscow carnageMarch 23, 2024
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Episode 212 - If Canada is a 'post-national state' is there room for national security?March 22, 2024
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Episode 211 - Are female jihadis being taken seriously?March 18, 2024
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Episode 210 - ISIS never left us, and that is not good newsMarch 11, 2024
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Episode 209 - Canada is being taken to the cleaners by the PRC and is not doing much about it.March 07, 2024
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Episode 208 - Does policing need an overhaul in the Great White North?March 04, 2024
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Episode 207 - Why governments list terrorist entitiesFebruary 28, 2024
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Episode 239 - The growing spectre of Hindu extremismFebruary 24, 2024
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Episode 238 - Doom and gloom predictions about terrorism may not be accurateFebruary 11, 2024
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Episode 204 - Is the word 'genocide' becoming meaningless?February 05, 2024
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