Don't Think About It
A safe space for all creatives, where we can discuss our ART, as well share our human experiences which help influence our creativity. We look to share our experiences in order to connect with each other and the audience. As we cover a variety of topics, we invite feedback, suggestions and guests to further our knowledge in the topics we cover.. We look forward to hearing from you.
Podcasting since 2022 • 26 episodes
Don't Think About It
Latest Episodes
RUNNING To The Music (feat. Josh Lumsden)
"Where words fail, music speaks."This week we are joined by multi-talented artist (musician, singer, Songwriter, Director, etc.) JOSH LUMSDEN who shares his humble beginnings on his musical journey and the release of his new single "Run...
Season 3
Episode 2
Unapologetically Yourself: Cosplay Is For Everyone
"Art is for Everybody."COSPLAY is an art form which allows us to embrace the fantastic and bring the media which we are all passionate about to life. Though many of us seek to explore this, others are made to feel this art form is unach...
Season 3
Episode 1
Bachata: The Revolution Of An Immigrant World
"It takes an athlete to dance, but an artist to be a dancer."This week we are joined by the multi-talented NIOMI LARA, a young Latina dancer from the Bronx who’s becoming a revelation in the dance world. With her s...
Season 2
Episode 9
UNCHECKED: An Alternative Hip-Hop Journey (feat. KNoWTe)
Over the years, many people discover their own musical talents, usually inspired by artists of the past. They hone their skills, with many vying become the next someone. Very few succeed, many fail. Others, rather than be a repeat of the past, ...
Season 2
Episode 8
The Voice: To Teach is To Inspire (feat. Sarah Troyer)
To be a master one's craft is a difficult but rewarding endeavor. To be able to pass on what you've learned, to guide and mentor others, that's a true challenge very few are able to accomplish. Today we are lucky enough to invite someone who ha...
Season 2
Episode 7