The Retail Florist

Get on the SPIN cycle to boost sales

December 05, 2022 Kelsey
Get on the SPIN cycle to boost sales
The Retail Florist
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The Retail Florist
Get on the SPIN cycle to boost sales
Dec 05, 2022

In this third episode of our sales series, we've got our mindset prepped and know our products inside and out.... let's get selling! Kelsey outlines the SPIN (Situation, Problem, Implementation and Need Payoff) process for closing the sale, and how you can use the right questions at the right time to move your customer from "looking" to "purchasing" through easy conversation. 

Show Notes

In this third episode of our sales series, we've got our mindset prepped and know our products inside and out.... let's get selling! Kelsey outlines the SPIN (Situation, Problem, Implementation and Need Payoff) process for closing the sale, and how you can use the right questions at the right time to move your customer from "looking" to "purchasing" through easy conversation.