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Your host, Johan, is a proud father and husband of a bi-lingual German-American household. For a living he runs a carpentry shop  in south Florida. Hes also a proud member of the 501st Legion, a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans, with raises money for worthy causes such as Make A Wish Foundation for children. This podcast is his brain-child, he is the Director, Editor and Producer of Di-lithium Re-crystalized.  Growing up in south Florida, Tara and Johan were latch-key kids, raised on a daily dose of Star Trek the Next Generation.

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Co-hosting is Tara, a proud mother and wife of a multi-lingual French-America home. She earned a PhD in socio-cultural anthropology from a University in Scotland. She has worked and consulted internationally as ethnographer, activist and criminology expert in countries such as Tanzania, Guatemala, USA, France, and Spain. She is currently teaching at a French University in the S.W. coast of France on the border with Spain. Her favorite pass-time is surfing and snorkeling the local rock-reefs with her daughters. She loves Sci-fi, fantasy, Shakespeare and especially Trek